DAY 2 - APR 3


For one minute, take deep breaths and stay silent. Breathe out the cares of the day upon the Lord. Breathe in the peace of God.


Our Father in heaven, 

You are holy and above all,

Bring your kingdom in me, through me, and around me today,

May your good will come today just like heaven,

Give me simply what I need for today,

Forgive my sins as I forgive those who have sinned against me,

Lead me away from temptation and protect me from the evil one,

To you alone receive the power, glory, and honor forever. Amen. 

SCRIPTURE READING: Matthew 21:12-17


For a Savior who called himself “humble and gentle at heart,” driving a mass of people out of the temple seems to be a bit strange (Matthew 11:29). For the second time in Jesus’ ministry, he entered the temple in Jerusalem and cleansed it of corruption, manipulation, and segregation (John 2:13-17). The anger and zeal of Jesus may make some of us uncomfortable, but we must ask: why was Jesus so concerned over a simple exchange of goods in the temple? Jerusalem was the holy city that housed God’s presence in the temple. As pilgrims traveled to Jerusalem, priests in cooperation with merchants were forcing people to buy approved sacrificial animals at insanely high prices. 

This gouging of prices was horrible, but it is not the only injustice taking place in the temple. The location where the merchants were selling these overpriced animals was the outer temple. This is the only place that Gentiles (non-Jews) were allowed to pray and worship God. By “setting up shop” and oppressing Jewish pilgrims with unjust prices, these priest and merchants were forcing the Gentiles out of their only place of prayer. This is the reason Jesus quotes Isaiah 56:7 which states that the temple is a place of “prayer for all nations.” Jesus was not going to allow for segregation to take place in the worship of God. As Jesus’ time was running out before his death, he spent it bringing justice to the oppressed, healing to the sick, and pure worship to his Father.  


- Inward: Are there any areas in your life you are trying to compartmentalize so Jesus cannot touch them? How is God inviting you into honest and open conversation with him today? 

- Outward: Is there a specific nation that you can pray for today for the revival of the Holy Spirit to take place?


- Is it ever okay to get angry?

- What can you learn today about Jesus’ anger and love that will help you in difficult situations?

“I will bring them to the holy mountain of Jerusalem and will fill them with joy in my house of prayer. I will accept their burnt offerings and sacrifices, because my Temple will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” – Isaiah 56:7

Jesus, thank you for your love for me and for all of the nations today.

May I receive your love as I go about my daily tasks.

May I submit to your kingship as I walk in your kingdom.

May I be filled with your Spirit as I follow you.

May your kingdom come and will be done in my life today.