Economic Development
Since Adam and Eve’s sin in the garden, there has always been oppressors and oppressed in society (Genesis 4:1-16). While Jesus said the poor will always be with you (Matthew 26:11), we also believe God has called us to engage to help the oppressed (Jeremiah 22:3). We believe in helping by forming partnerships that help transform communities through proper approaches to housing, banking, economic education, and alleviating deceptive lending and oppressive and discriminatory economic policies. We support in mission and purpose City Ministry Network, Self-Help Federal Credit Union, and Stanislaus Equity Partners.
CMN exists to help community leaders to connect and collaborate.
SHFCU has built a network of branches that serve working families and underserved communities.
STEP empowers residents with access to asset building opportunities through housing, small business services and affordable lending.
We regretfully admit racism (racism in all forms: ethnic favoritism, prejudice, and racism) is in our own hearts, our church, and in our community. We admit this is individual, relational, and structural; it is systemic in our church, culture and community. We believe racism in any form is evil and will destroy both perpetrator and the victim. Therefore, with humility, listening, learning, lament, confession, repentance, and action towards reconciliation, we will engage and respond. We support in mission and purpose Youth Empowerment Program, NAACP of Stanislaus County, Christian Community Development Association, and Victory in Praise Church.
YEP improves and empowers the lives of Stanislaus County’s historically underserved youth.
Gender Equality
We believe God created male and female in his image (Genesis 1:27). We believe both men and women are to submit to one-another as unto the Lord (Ephesians 5:15-33). We believe the only distinctions between male and female are unique abilities, gifts, and personalities he has given them. We believe there are specifics roles only women can fulfill, as well as roles only men can fulfill. We realize that the role of women in the church (and in society) has been seen as secondary and we grieve this error as well as ask our women for forgiveness. We also recognize that narrow and unbiblical definitions of masculinity and femininity have risen within the church and have caused much confusion in both the church and the world causing gender dysphoria. We support in mission and purpose the work of Preston Sprinkle.
If you have had an abortion, talked a partner or child into having an abortion, or if you are considering an abortion or encouraging someone to get an abortion right now, we want you to know you are loved. We believe there is nothing that can separate us from God’s love except for unbelief in that love given through Jesus. Our hearts break for those who have felt like their only option because of judgment, finances, season in life, or other circumstances is to move forward with abortion. We believe every child is a precious gift from God, no matter the nature of that child or the circumstances of their origin. We believe that every women is a precious person made in the image of God, equally as important as the child. We support in mission and purpose Modesto Pregnancy Center, Bethany Christian Services, and our local government.
MPC desires to see a world where every child has a chance at life, and is welcomed and nurtured in a loving family.
Immigration/ Refugees
God tells us he is the God of the poor, the widow, the immigrant and the oppressed (Psalm 146:9). He tells believers to take care of the immigrant knowing we were once immigrants (Exodus 22:21). As our mission field (Matthew 28:18-20) moves into our city, we want to be the first to greet those in need, make them feel welcome, and love them as the neighbors they have now become. Our goal is to partner with organizations resettling refugees, as well as organizations helping immigrants (documented or not) to care for these people who God is bringing into our lives so we can speak the love of Jesus into their lives. We support in mission and purpose Learning Quest, International Rescue Committee, World Relief, and Modesto Junior College ESL.
Learning Quest empowers adults through educational services and improves self-reliance for the family.
IRC provides opportunities for refugees, victims of human trafficking, survivors of torture, and other immigrants to thrive in America.
WR is a global Christian humanitarian organization who empowers the local church to serve the most vulnerable.
If you identity as LGTBQ+ and have been hurt by Christians responses, we first want to say, we are sorry and we grieve with you. We believe for all people our identity is found in knowing the love of the God who created us (John 3:16). We believe any identity put above this identity (whether that be heterosexual, homosexual, transgender, or other) is a destructive identity and will ultimately lead to more brokenness (Romans 1:18-32). We welcome all to come and discover and grow in the primary identity of being a son and daughter of God (1 John 3:1). We support in mission and purpose The Messy Grace Group.
We believe there are many reasons parents cannot continue to parent their children. As such, we have the enormous privilege and opportunity to step in and help. Our Father tells us ‘he is a Father to the fatherless’ (Psalm 68:5-6). If we want to stand for life, we must also support life. It is no use to say ‘I will pray for you but not do anything to help (James 2:15-16). We want to partner with people who want to start the adoption process and/or fostering. We also want to support those who have adopted and are fostering. As a church, we believe our role is to come alongside families to enable them to be as successful as possible in their journey. If you are deciding to start fostering or adoption, please let us connect you with people who have real life experience. We also have financial scholarships available. We support in mission and purpose Bethany Christian Services, Safe Families, CASA, and local government.
CASA works with volunteers to ensure the success of foster children.